Avril Johnson
- Student - University of Windsor
- 2022 Recipient
Read MoreMy name is Avril Johnson. I recently graduated from St Joseph's High School . I am in the Physics program at the University of Windsor. When I finish university I want to become an assistant to a scientist and gain experience. Once I have more experience and knowledge I'd like to become a full-time scientist and help answer the many questions left unknown. Physics helps to better understand the world around you. My education will help me get to the level in science I'd like to be at and in return help me to educate others on the wonders of our world. I specifically would like to become an astrophysicist ultimately wanting to work at NASA. I have done volunteer work as a babysitter and a student at my school helping show the grade 8’s what their grade nine year will look like. I did my most influential volunteer work at a retirement home. I noticed the elderly experienced isolation from the general community. I decided to take initiative by volunteering at an amazing retirement home. I wanted to be a person they could go to for anything and be someone they could be proud of. Avril received the Evelyn & Lornie Hurst Sr. Memorial bursary of $1500. Congratulations Avril! #HADSCScholarship #HADSC #UGRR #blackhistory365 #gecsdb